On May 8th 2020, Indonesia Institute Of Cooperative Management (Ikopin) held an International Webinar: “Cooperatives and MSMEs After COVID-19”, in response to the uncertainty of how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact cooperatives and Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME). This program is also commemorating The 38th Indonesia Institute Of Cooperative Management Anniversary itself.

Webinar’s keynote speaker is Teten Masduki (State Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises). Its moderator is Ami Purnamawati (Research and Society Service – Ikopin)
The Panelists Included:
Burhanudin Abdullah, Rector of Ikopin.
Robby Tulus, International Cooperative Expert Canada.
Sylvia Okinlay Paraguya, Chairperson of NATCCO The Philippines.
Ahsan Ali Thakur, Chairperson of International Cooperative Alliance Asia Pacific Youth.

This forum can also be watched on YouTube
All the presentation materials from International Webinar: “Cooperatives and MSMEs After Covid-19” can be downloaded under link below: